
Anyone else having an especially rough time these last couple of weeks? I sure as hell am. I know it is definitely the stew of pandemic life, the wild fires, all the political BS, the possibility of ACB joining SCOTUS and slamming every door closed that RGB worked her whole life to open for us…all of that and more I’ve already buried in the vaults of my mind refusing to deal with, has me losing sleep (which wasn’t much before to actually lose having two young kids in the house). Sleep is extremely important for repair, recovery, a healthy immune system and maintaining sanity, so losing it because of bull shit…well, it sucks. Losing it over kids when they wake in the middle of the night, I will gladly handle. But this? Isn’t this what leads to cancer, CVD, and other chronic illnesses that will further increase stress levels and the amount of money we owe in bills?

This uncertainty around our present and future is like a tumbleweed. It starts small, but as the wind swirls and it continues to roll, it just keeps picking up more dead foliage, increasing in size. Or as I like to call it, an even bigger cluster fuck of uncertainty. It’s enough to drive a person into a deep depression. How the hell do we cope? How do we heal? How do we live as fulfilling of a life that we can right now? How do we find peace? How do I stop asking “how?”

Oh, and before I forget, fuck you Trump, Barr, McConnell, Pence, Graham, and all the other white supremacist dicks that have chosen to fulfill their greedy wants over the needs of the people. I always knew I was not one who had patience for greedy people, but these past four years have really brought my intolerance to greed out with a vengeance. I seriously do not want to have anything to do with greedy people. It’s a whole ‘nother level of evil when your greed doesn’t just hurt those directly within your “circle,” but the whole USA, and other countries.

So I am begging you to vote those assholes out of office. Vote for democracy, a better today, a brighter tomorrow, equality for all, the ACA, pro-choice, BLM, LGBTQ rights, education, taxes for the 1 percent of the top 1 percent…just vote blue. And talk to everyone, and implore them to vote blue. And if you run into a Trump supporter, keep your mask on and walk away—they are not worth it.
