Some Good Has Come From SIP

We are absolutely blessed to be living where we are during this shelter-in-place (SIP) order due to COVID-19. NorCal is quite abundant with local farmers, restaurants and coffee shops for food delivery/pick-up; an abundance of trails; kick-ass weather; WINERIES AND BREWERIES; and plenty of space for everyone to spread out in order to maintain physical distancing. Are a lot of businesses closed? Yes. But some folks put their thinking/adjustment hats on and found a way to stay open-THANK YOU!

Having two young boys not being able to hang with friends, go to school, play at the park, and escape down every fuckin’ aisle of Target or the grocery store practicing their evasive maneuvers is wearing on them. However, at least we have a home with a yard, and we’re not trying to parent 24-7 in a small studio apartment in a major city where everyone is practically on top of each other and green grass is tough to find to let the kids roll and run through.

And as much as SUP is popular on a lot of the open water we are blessed with in this state, unless you own your own board and paddle, you won’t be enjoying it during SIP, unfortunately. So most likely no SUP during SIP folks. Same goes for you yogis that enjoy SUP yoga. Okay…I’ll stop now.

As a reminder to myself that there is some good coming from this (I will not state #blessed), I thought I’d list a few:

  1. Loads of quality and memorable time with our sons, dog, and my wife. And yes, we haven’t threatened to kill each other, nor hire divorce attorneys…yet. In fact, I’d say we’re a bit closer.

  2. More time to bike, get a bit of running in, and increase my fitness overall.

  3. Tons more time for gardening, and enough time to watch the plants actually grow!

  4. Extra time to read in the evenings after the boys fall asleep since I don’t have to wake up at 4:30 for work.

  5. Time to work on another certification, although I am also finding out how hard it is to study while parenting two young boys.

  6. More greedy decisions and inaction from Trump and his GOP thugs to show THE WHOLE WORLD HOW SCREWED OUR FUTURE WILL BE IF WE DON’T VOTE FOR BIDEN in 2020 and other Democrats in all local elections.

Ok…so #6 isn’t a good thing, except that perhaps more people will actually get out and vote. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL, VOTE BLUE!!

Just a few additional thoughts…

Please be safe and smart-our health care workers and first responders are busy enough already. They don’t need any of our stupid actions to lead towards additional hospital visits if we can help it. On that note, I need to remind our oldest to stop jumping on the top bunk of his bed…which he is currently doing right now. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Go buy stamps. Mail letters, parcels, baby chicks, and bees via the USPS. Trump and the GOP are doing their evil best to get rid of a public right and major piece of our lives.

Join a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). You will be purchasing seasonal food and supporting local farmers who desperately need your help, especially during this pandemic.

On that same note-purchase fresh roasted coffee beans from a LOCAL roaster. If you want to support small roasters from all over, check out Trade Coffee.

If you are having a shitty time, I’m truly sorry. I hope you have someone to talk to, walk with, have a drink (or six), and laugh with in order to perhaps feel a bit better. This can’t last forever. It won’t last forever.
